In this episode, host Aubrey Johnson reflects on the past year and what life lessons can be learned from it. He discusses how to respond to and endure adversity, and how important it is to pay it forward and help others who are struggling.
In the final weeks of the year, it is important to reflect on the events of the past year and ask oneself what lessons have been learned. For some, this may be a time to relax and recharge after a busy year. Others may feel a sense of obligation to finish the year strong.
Whatever the case, it is beneficial to take stock of the year and see what can be learned from the experiences of the past twelve months. Aubrey reflects on the events of the past year and what he has learned from them. The biggest lesson he has learned is the importance of maintaining close connections with his family. He resolves to be more intentional and frequent in his attempts to connect with them in the coming year.
Aubrey also conducts his “3 for the road” segment.
When they say gap year, the gap year must be used, I feel, in an educational or enlightenment type of way for your personal growth and development. I did not do that during my, quote, gap year.
From May to October, I had the privilege of co emceeing a summer concert series the first Saturday of each month in the great city of Van Alstyne, Texas, just north of where I live.
At any rate, I always find time to reflect on the events of the closing year and then I ask myself, what lesson have I learned from at least one of those events?
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