Dr. Deb Butler is a Certified Master Weight Loss and Life Coach, who specializes in helping menopausal and post-menopausal women discover the benefits of mindful eating.
Tune in, as Dr. Deb shares her early struggles with her weight, and how she made the transition to Coaching from a 30+ year career as a Chiropractor, Nutritionist, and Acupuncturist.
She also talks about the combined impact emotions AND menopause can have on women’s behaviors and eating patterns. Dr. Deb emphasizes mindset for overcoming the grips of stress, weight battles, and crazy diets that don’t work. Her podcast, Thinner Peace uncovers amazing insights for having a relationship with food that is healthy and not toxic.
To learn more about Dr. Deb’s great work, visit http://drdebbutler.com/
To subscribe to her podcast, visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thinner-peace-in-menopause/id1097852666
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